Win your next client
with RateMyAgent reviews

RateMyAgent is built for Real Estate Professionals

Create and share beautiful looking reviews.
Attract more clients. Save time, effort and money growing your business.

Real reviews linked to real transactions

Collect and share all of your reviews in one place

Beautiful designs built for real estate

A profile that becomes your referral and SEO engine

Save time and effort growing your business

Get found online more often

Customers use reviews every day to select their agent

Collect your reviews from across the web

Your agent profile built for SEO

Invite clients to leave their reviews on your Google Business Profile

Beautiful designs automatically posted to your favourite Social Media platforms

Instagram worthy reviews with zero design skills

Post your reviews, listings and achievements everywhere online with our Social Media Manager

Turn sales, reviews and listings into beautiful social media posts with the push of a button

Contemporary, stylish designs for agents and property

Easily customize with your branding

Use your listings and sales to create beautiful social media posts

Automate and schedule posts so you've always got something to say

Used by the country’s best real estate agents

Realty ONE Group

"It’s a great way to connect with your clients and get referrals"

Cole Realty Group

"It helps to show potential clients what others think of you. It’s an awesome opportunity for Agents to capture these thoughts and review's on a structured platform that is user friendly."

EXP Realty

"Streamlining my reviews has made marketing a breeze!"

Try RateMyAgent today

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